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Tecton 一直在寻找聪明且充满活力的专业人士,他们可以利用自己独特的才能和多元化的视角与我们一起重新构想未来。如果您是应届毕业生或经验丰富的专业人士,相信设计的力量,愿意在工作中运用最新技术,并希望在年轻、充满活力的国际团队中工作,我们诚邀您加入我们不断发展的公司,寻找机会。

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TECTON 的主要项目包括各种大型工业项目(见此处)。TECTON 在过去 23 年中设计了超过 380 万平方米的工业建筑,从而积累了丰富的专业知识并在此领域享有盛誉。虽然这些项目可能缺乏一些几何华丽,但我们相信工业建筑可以像任何其他建筑类型一样精致和雄辩。此外,它们提供了独特的工程挑战和采用最新 BIM 技术的可能性,同时也为我们提供稳定的工作流程,并由此带来财务稳定。我们力争在未来几年成为该领域无可争议的领导者!



然而,TECTON 并不只专注于工业建筑。我们也在不断扩大我们的商业组合(见此处) 。这些项目确保我们与建筑设计的最新发展保持同步,并为我们的设计师创造在不同领域尝试和学习新技能的机会。我们也希望在未来的项目组合中保持这种健康的平衡。


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我们在项目中采用与平台无关的先进 BIM 技术。我们的所有输出均基于 BIM 模型;我们相信 BIM 技术能提高质量、降低风险,最重要的是:增强对设计的控制。Archicad & Revit 和各种其他软件工具用于提供从概念设计到施工管理的服务。我们拥有广泛的培训计划和不断增长的知识库,以确保我们所有的同事都得到适当的培训并了解最新发展。


在 Tecton,您可以享受一系列有竞争力的福利,以支持您的职业发展和个人福祉。这些福利加上支持性和协作性的工作环境,使我们成为那些希望发展事业并充分发挥潜力的人的绝佳选择。

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In return of your hard work, we offer competitive salaries which are re-examined and adjusted at every year-end.

We offer fair compensations!

Monthly salary

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Subject to individual performances, we provide a personal bonus, as well, which is not dependent on the overall company results.

Excellence should be rewarded!

Personal bonus

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We enroll you in private medical insurance to ensure you receive the best care in the event of any illness.

Your health is important for us!

Private medical insurance

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If you want to learn a new skill, consult with us and we may be able to provide support.

Never stop learning!

Education support

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Subject to the overall performance of the company, at the end of the year we give a fair bonus to our employees.

We share our success!

Company bonus

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You can select your working hours and come early or stay late to avoid rush hours.

We are not a government office!

Flexible working hours

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We need you to be the best at your job, so we organize various training programs to improve your skills.

Our capital is in our brains!

Training programs

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No worries, you can swap it for a holiday time later (up to 5 days a year).

Had to do some extra hours on the project?

Over-hours compensation

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