About us
Who we are
The Ancient Greek noun tektōn (τέκτων) was a common term for an artisan/craftsman, in particular a carpenter, woodworker, or builder.
TECTON considers its members not only architects or designers but also craftspersons, who are able to turn the work of art into real buildings.
We are leaders in the design-build process of industrial buildings in Hungary, with various footprints in Central Europe. Our mission is to help our clients bring their projects to life in harmony with local laws, in a holistic and efficient manner. We believe in blending advanced technology with old-school craftsmanship values to ensure high-quality, time-efficient, and cost-friendly services.

Our milestones
The founders first met in Budapest.
TECTON Kft. is established.
First international projects.
Start of design-build services.
Moving to Graphisoft Park, our current office.
45.000.000 Job order value (EUR).
over 200.000 m2 accumulated design built services (m2 gross floor area built).
over 3.800.000 m2 accumulated design services (m2 gross floor area designed).
TECTON has over 50 employees.
Behind every successful project, there are hard-working people. We are diverse in nationality, language, age, gender, and experience but together we form a great team we call TECTON. Our combined knowledge and indestructible spirit are the real assets of our company, and we appreciate the efforts of all our colleagues, regardless of rank and position. Mutual trust, candid communication, and teamwork are our key values, and we are immensely proud of the work we have accomplished together while knowing that the rest is still ahead of us!
Current Employees
Bálint Katalin, Balla János, Balogh-Szabó Péter, Böröcz Péter, Brechner Anamaria, Cui Yun, Cseharovszky Máté, Dubovánszky Adrián, Dudás Alexandra, Agnieszka Dudek, Fazekas Mihály, Fekete Balázs, Fodor Judit, Fülöp Máté, Gászpor Benedek, Giba Roland, Gombás Dóra, Hegedűs Tímea, Hepp Roland, Hernády Gergely, Holler Flóra, Holló Erika, Horváth Bálint, Jakab Tamás, Jakab Veronika, Peter Jančovič, Kerekes Gyula, Kincses Márió, Korpos Gergely, Kovács Bence, Kovács Dénes, Lakatos Judit, Mező Imola, Miklós Dorottya, Milák Christina, Molnár Martina, Kyung-Suk Na, Nemessányi Cecília, Németh Janka, Pásztor Anna, Pasztor Istvan, Rácz Lilla, Rebák Csaba, Sadaah Nayel, Sike Boglárka, Simon Gellért, Somsák Tamás, Sóti Balázs, Sütő Ferenc, Szabari Bettina, Szunyoghy Zoltán, Takács Tekla, Tóth Lídia, Tóth Szabolcs, Ükös Tamás, Varga Béla, Viszoki Csaba, Ye Hans Xu, Zsiros Bence.
Former Employees
Besides our current team, we worked with several other colleagues throughout the years. We are grateful for their contribution and hope they also have fond memories of working with us!
Life in TECTON
Architecture is a demanding profession. Hours could be quite long, problems are typically quite complex and deadlines are always strict. But if you have great colleagues and love what you do – and we certainly do both! – and you will find a lot of joy in this line of work and appreciate even more those brief moments of break between our assignments. Please, enjoy this little insight into our daily life!